Category: Angular

  • Angular and ngRx | Videos

    Trying to improve my NgRX skills, here are some of the videos I have watched recently: Crash Course: Angular and ngRx | Aspen Payton Angular + NgRx, Exploring the Essentials of NgRx! JavaScript Marathon | Beginner to Advanced NgRx with Mike Ryan, Creator of NgRx

  • ngTemplateOutlet: The secret to customization

    ngTemplateOutlet is a compelling feature of Angular, which is underused mainly, and ignored. This talk by Stephen Cooper explains it nicely. If you are not already experienced with Angular, understanding ngTemplateOutlet might take a bit longer, even after this talk, I still needed to work on it a bit to fully understand. Once you got…

  • States in Angular components without…

    States in Angular components without a state management library I am a very fan of these kinds of conference talks: short, clear, easy to follow, and based on real examples. In this talk, Erin Coughlan from Google is talking about components and states in an Angular application, with an example from the Google Analytics dashboard.…

  • Should you use ENUMS…

    Should you use ENUMS or UNION TYPES in TypeScript? Here is a conclusion of useful article looking into the question above. I would go for union types as long as I am sure it is not going to be renamed often, renaming union types might be an issue. CONCLUSION In our perfectly fair comparison, union…

  • 5 Typescript Tricks for Angular…

    5 Typescript Tricks for Angular Simple but very useful tips and tricks by Alain Chautard. I haven’t been using union types that much, and I was also thinking of an alternative for when I can’t use const enum – union types can come in very handy. More on union types: #angular #typescript

  • Angular Flex-Layout Tutorials and Examples

    I have been recently doing so much front-end development with Angular. After people spending years struggling with tables, grid libraries, responsiveness and etc, the flex layout took the stage, changed all the way we create layouts. I find it very easy to use and powerful once you understand the basics. And if you are working…

  • 5 Typescript Tricks for Angular

    One line of CSS – not only centering things but more Back in those times, centering things was a huge challenge. In order to marry the woman you love, you had to get something centered by CSS…. Nowadays, things have changed… A good explanation from Una Kravets. #css #flex-box #css-grid

  • Angular – Scroll to a…

    Angular – Scroll to a div in child component Child Component Return scroll point to parent Parent Component This would work fine. If you have another button in a child and want to listen to that to scroll, you can add an event emitter: Parent HTML Child HTML Child Class #angular

  • Compiling vs Transpiling

    A question that I heard recently: Compiling vs Transpiling  It seems that Wikipedia has enough information as well: “A source-to-source compiler, transcompiler or transpiler is a type of compiler that takes the source code of a program written in one programming language as its input and produces the equivalent source code in another programming language.…