Category: Azure

  • Cost cutting strategies for Azure…

    Cost cutting strategies for Azure Cosmos DB – Hasan Savran – NDC Porto 2022

  • Azure Static Web Apps

    Long-waited service from Azure is now in preview phase. I never understood why Azure did not have this product. Publishing a static page to blob storage is a nightmare, it is stupid. Anyway, finally, the service is here and can be used. Here are the steps to publish a static app to azure. Create the…

  • Azure – Application Settings and Connection Strings

    Resources for storing connection string and application string in azure apps. #azure #azure-database

  • Azure SQL Database (MSSQL) -…

    Azure SQL Database (MSSQL) – Working with JSON Data SELECT Modify Convert JSON collections to a rowset Resources & more: MySQL from version 5.7 has JSON support: #azure #azure-database #json #mssql-json

  • Whenever you publish a webjob,…

    Whenever you publish a webjob, it is located under the App_Data/jobs/ {triggered or scheduled} of your App Service … Hence, you can publish the webjobs via FTP or directly from vstudio. If you do so, file need to be created manually. #azure #webjobs

  • Azure WebJobs

    What is an Azure WebJob?  With WebJobs, you can simply run a program or script just like a running a web app. Azure Functions is also a similar service. You can create a console app and run it continuously or triggered. Let’s try a simple one. Create the console app: dotnet new console Write your code.…

  • Why Brackets in SQL queries with SQL Server

    It’s been long time since I worked with SQL Server last time. I have been working with Oracle and there are differences for sure. This one is simple. The brackets are required if you use keywords or special chars in the column names or identifiers. You could name a column [First Name] (with a space)–but…