Author: Mehmet

  • Deserialize json array with System.Text.Json

    Json Data And the class and method for deserialization A post about the performance of system.text.json #json #System.Text.Json #net-core #dotnet

  • Talks & Videos

    Nowadays, it seems that going to a tech conf is the only way to prove that you are a developer (?) You can learn something from anything anyway, here are some videos I watched recently. Angular Introduction to Angular 8 – Alain Chautard Handling Angular Forms Without Losing Your Sanity – Jennifer Wadella These ARE…

  • BrowserSync, Gulp and TypeScript

    I was creating a simple web app with VueJS (without cli, no single file component) and I thought it would be good to have a local server which watches changes, auto-transpiles TypeScript and later maybe builds(minify, terser, copy files etc.) for the production. By using BrowserSync & Gulp, a typescript project can be easily watched,…

  • Angular – Scroll to a…

    Angular – Scroll to a div in child component Child Component Return scroll point to parent Parent Component This would work fine. If you have another button in a child and want to listen to that to scroll, you can add an event emitter: Parent HTML Child HTML Child Class #angular

  • Azure – Application Settings and Connection Strings

    Resources for storing connection string and application string in azure apps. #azure #azure-database

  • Azure SQL Database (MSSQL) -…

    Azure SQL Database (MSSQL) – Working with JSON Data SELECT Modify Convert JSON collections to a rowset Resources & more: MySQL from version 5.7 has JSON support: #azure #azure-database #json #mssql-json

  • Visual programming with hardware and Node-RED

    A good podcast about node-red from the creators. JS Party 95: Visual programming with hardware and Node-RED – Listen on

  • BigQuery with .NET Core

    Here is a sample respository ready to be injected to a ASP.NET Core application. #googlecloud #bigquery #aspnetcore

  • JSON Type with MySQL & EF Core

    Since MySQL 5.7.8, you can leverage the built-in json data type to store flexible, semi-structured data in your database. This approach offers several benefits over traditional relational models, especially when dealing with complex or frequently changing data. Let’s explore how to effectively work with JSON data in MySQL using Entity Framework Core (EF Core). Storing…

  • Google translate in google sheets Gif from: #GoogleSheets #GoogleTranslate

  • gcloud basics cheat sheet

    GCloud Cheat Sheet: App Deploy gcloud app deploy ~/my_app/app.yaml [Resource] List Versions gcloud app versions list JSON: gcloud app versions list –format json List services gcloud app services list [Resource] Delete services: gcloud app services delete [Resource] List versions “`gcloud app versions list“ Powershellgcloud app versions list –format json | ConvertFrom-Json [Resource] Delete Versions gcloud…

  • Google Cloud Build Trigger: ASP.NET Core and Angular

    Other examples: #GoogleCloud #gcp #BuildTrigger

  • Compiling vs Transpiling

    A question that I heard recently: Compiling vs Transpiling  It seems that Wikipedia has enough information as well: “A source-to-source compiler, transcompiler or transpiler is a type of compiler that takes the source code of a program written in one programming language as its input and produces the equivalent source code in another programming language.…

  • SQL and sending emails with Powershell

    Run SQL Command Invoke commands in a script file and save the output in a text file Invoke sql script and write the results into CSV file. Invoke sql script and write the results into JSON file. Invoke a script and pass in variable values from a string Send Mail A scenario: Retrieve data from…

  • Whenever you publish a webjob,…

    Whenever you publish a webjob, it is located under the App_Data/jobs/ {triggered or scheduled} of your App Service … Hence, you can publish the webjobs via FTP or directly from vstudio. If you do so, file need to be created manually. #azure #webjobs

  • The 7 Steps of Machine Learning

    Machine learning simply Yufeng explains… Visit the whole playlist too: #machinelearning

  • OpenCV 3.4.1 with Visual Studio 2017

    Download the prebuilt libraries and extract it ( Create a Visual C++ Console Project by using Visual Studio 2017 Open the project properties by right-clicking the project and clicking Properties Select x64 from Platform Under C/C++ go to General > Additional Include Directories, Edit and add directory: YOUR_OPENCV_FOLDER\build\include Under Linker go to General > Additional…

  • O(1): random access to an…

    O(1): random access to an element in a collection, dependent on indexing O(n): list iterations O(n^2): nested loops on the same collection O(log n): divide and conquer O(n log n): iterations that use divide and conquer O(n!): adding a nested loop for every input you have Resource: @DynamicWebPaige #bigo #big-o

  • Configuration in .NET Core

    Configuration in .NET Core and oficial page: #dotnet #net-core

  • Simple self-join with LINQ and SQL

    Let’s say we have a table in which we store the various test results of a persons. PersonId TestId Result 1 TOEFL 5 1 IELTS 10 2 TOEFL 10 2 IELTS 6 3 TOEFL 2 4 IELTS 4 And assuming that it has been queried and stored in a list of objects. (This is a…

  • .NET Core and .NET Standard

    A nice article from MSDN Magazine: .NET Standard – Demystifying .NET Core and .NET Standard And a great video series about .NET Standard from the same author: #net-standard #net-core #resources #dotnet

  • Azure WebJobs

    What is an Azure WebJob?  With WebJobs, you can simply run a program or script just like a running a web app. Azure Functions is also a similar service. You can create a console app and run it continuously or triggered. Let’s try a simple one. Create the console app: dotnet new console Write your code.…

  • IoT Platforms

    It is estimated that the IoT will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020. It is also estimated that the market value will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020. The following list is the most common platforms used to create and support IoT applications. Most of them are from the biggest companies. Amazon Web Services IoT…

  • TypeScript Notes – Type assertions

    Type assertions are a way to tell the compiler “trust me, I know what I’m doing.” A type assertion is like a type cast in other languages, but performs no special checking or restructuring of data. It has no runtime impact, and is used purely by the compiler. TypeScript assumes that you, the programmer, have…

  • TypeScript Notes – Primitive Types

    Types Boolean The most basic datatype is the simple true/false value, which JavaScript and TypeScript call a boolean value. Number As in JavaScript, all numbers in TypeScript are floating point values. These floating point numbers get the type number. In addition to hexadecimal and decimal literals, TypeScript also supports binary and octal literals introduced in…

  • MySql with ASP.NET Core

    Create the project: dotnet new console Add mysql package: dotnet add package MySql.Data  Optional: Add an ORM: dotnet add package Dapper Start vscode: code . Connect and and query Run the code: dotnet run #asp-net-core #mysql #mysql-with-net-core

  • Reports for Redmine

    After some requests I have received, I will share some of the SQL commands that I used for creating reports for Redmine. You need to change projectIDs, journelIDs etc.  Here they are: 1 – Approximate Solution Time Current Project Analysis 3. Status of an Assignee Change assignee id for your project. Thanks a lot to…

  • Reverse an array

    You know there is array.reverse() function, sharing the snippet below just in case wondering how to do it. We iterate half of the lentgh, guess why? #array #typescript #javascript

  • Shortcut for Directory – PowerShell

    It’s been for a while since I started using PowerShell for some operations. It might seem complicated at the beginning but if you be patient and keep learning, it makes so many tasks easy for you, especially for .NET developers. To create aliases for the commands: And when you use it It will list the files…

  • .NET Core Command Line CLI Basics

    Yes, developing .NET apps without opening Visual Studio was something I wish for a long time. It was possible but wasn’t that simple. With .NET Core CLI, managing the project is simpler than ever. Let’s see how we can create a new project, build and run and learn some more commands. 1. Creating a Project/Solution…

  • Why Brackets in SQL queries with SQL Server

    It’s been long time since I worked with SQL Server last time. I have been working with Oracle and there are differences for sure. This one is simple. The brackets are required if you use keywords or special chars in the column names or identifiers. You could name a column [First Name] (with a space)–but…

  • Top Screen Resolutions and Browsers

    The top screen resolutions from Oct 2015 to Oct 2016 Last month with mobile devices included Top 5 browsers

  • Inheritance Simply

    Basics are important. Involving in big projects may make us underestimate and forget about the basics. While I was rechecking the important feature of OOP: inheritance, I wanted to share very simple example briefly. My little piece of code here calculates the surface and volume of a rectangular prism and calculates its cost based on its volume.…

  • Redmine Reports & Business Intelligence

    We have been using Redmine for 3 months actively and the number of issues is now over 11000 with 90 projects and 200 users. When it comes to getting various reports for different objectives, Redmine’s capability is very limited. Especially if you are working with customers from very different fields, the reports you need for each project become unique.…

  • Oracle Function & .NET sysdate problem

    After I shared one solution about oracle, iis and sysdate problem, I got another similar error. This time, the function was getting the paramater sysdate with time added. I noticed this because the function was calculating default insterest of a price, and each hour it was increasing the total amoun. After many tries, I removed…

  • Ways to pass information from a controller to a view in ASP.NET MVC

    There are three ways to pass information from a controller to a view: As a dynamic type (using @model dynamic) As a strongly typed model object. Using the ViewBag See the sample list and three different actions for my HomeController: 1.As a dynamic type (using @model dynamic)

  • Basics of LINQ II

    After a very simple beginning of LINQ let’s continue to play with it more. In this article, I will try to share some basic methods such as First,Last, Max and Min. 1. Numbers Example: Let’s create an int array with some numbers and find the first number, last number, first number which is greater then 4,…

  • Change color based on field value in Jaspersoft Studio

    Change color based on field value in Jaspersoft Studio We may change the color, font size and style of the field value based on a condition. For example, we have two fields called $F{numberofissues} and $F{projectname}. We want to highlight $F{projectname} by styling it with red color, font size 16 and bold style if the…

  • Copying categories in Redmine

    It looks that many people want to see the option to copy to categories of parent project into sub project. So far, it is not a default feature of Redmine. If you have so many projects and categories to write them manually, you can write once and use the SQL command below to copy them.…

  • Floor, Ceiling and Rounding with MySQL

    I was trying to get the average solution time of issues in Redmine per tracker type. In order to get the average time, I first selected creation time of issue and extracted it from the date of solution of the issue (this doesn’t mean it is closed, it is to say status is updated with the id…